JSC "Zaliv Shipyard"
Tankistov 4 98310 Kerch,
e-mail zaliv@zaliv.com
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Andrey L. Zakharchuk - acting for General Director
Mr. Zaharchuk was born in May 1973 in Russia. He has two higher educations. The first one – economical, on speciality of banking, which he got in institute of national economy in Kiev and graduated from it - in 1994. The second – legal education, on speciality of economy law he got by correspondence, learning in Kiev National university named after Shevchenko, that he graduated in 1999. His labour activity he begun in 1993, from the post of principal specialist in department of international account and currency transaction of "Renewal" Bank. His wide experience in banking structures reinforced by experience of working in production plants, such as firm "Lugansk accumulators", cartridge plant in Lugansk and others. He started his work in shipyard "Zaliv" in January 2006 on the post of deputy of general director on financing, economy and investment. Due to reformation of the management system of the shipyard he was transferred to the post of Director for Finances.
Starting from 2012 he was appointed to the post of Director on Development and allotted to the Supervisory Board
With the decree of Supervisory Board from September 2012 has been appointed to the post of acting for General Director.
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Oleg I. Bezusiak - Production Director
Was born in Tbilisi in 1973.
Higher education on specialization "Shipbuilding engineer" he achieved in 1996 at graduating from Ukrainian State Marine Technical University in Nikolayev.
After graduation from the University he has been appointed to the post of managing director in private shipbuilding companies that executed construction of various types of vessels.
Working activity at Zaliv started in April 2008 in the position of deputy of chief of dock workshop. In the June same year was appointed to the position of chief of dock workshop.
In April 2012 he was appointed to the position of acting for head of production department.
In September 2012 appointed to the post of Production Director.
Vyacheslav V. Kharchenko – Сommercial Director
Was born in February 1968 in Dnepropetrovsk. Achieved two higher educations. First one is for specialization engineering technician is achieved in Kiev Higher Multi-Service Command Academy.
The second economic education by specialization of accounting and audit he achieved after graduating from Dnepropetrovsk National Agriculture University in 2008.
The working activity he started working in control-revision departments of oil and gas and agroindustrial complex.
He started work on JSC Shipyard Zaliv in 2006 on the post of head of audit department. Afterwards he was promoted to the post of head of department of purchases and sales.
In May 2007 appointed to the post of commercial director JSC Shipyard Zaliv.
Yuriy L. Bogomyakov - Chief Engineer
Mr. Bogomyakov was born in 1958. He got higher education graduated from Leningradsky Institute of water-borne transportation, specialization in electrical engineering. He started his labor activity at shipyard ZALIV direct after graduating from the institute in 1980 as engineer in electro technical laboratory. During his work as builder in part of electricity and automatics he took part in construction of atomic light carrier “Sevmorput” and series of tankers “Pobeda”. In spite of interval in work at shipyard Zaliv all his working career is inseparably connected with shipbuilding and ship repairing. He occupies the position of chief engineer since June, 2006. As essential feature in work he considers the professionalism and thorough knowledge of subject controlled by the manager.
Valeriy M. Belozerov – General Issues Director
Mr. Belozerov was born in September 1955 in Kursk, Russia. He graduated from polytechnic institute in Kursk at 1977 and got a higher education on speciality of Mechanical Engeneer. The same year he began his labour activity as master''s assistant at plant of heavy mechanical power press in Voronezh. In spring 1978, he was moved up into the shipyard "Zaliv" in Kerch. During his labour years in the shipyard, Mr. Belozerov went his way from post of master of mechanic-lathe section to the post of deputy of general director of marketing. Due to reformation of the management system of the shipyard he was transferred to the post of Government relations Director. From April 2012 was appointed to the post of General Issues Director.
Nikolay I. Ermak - HR Director
Mr. Ermak was born in 1956 in Chernigov region. He began his special education in Kerch Marine Technological Collage, speciality of shipbuilding, and graduated with honors in 1978. Same year he began to work at the shipyard “Zaliv”. As during his labor years Mr. Ermak went his way from the post of assembler to the post of the Chief of a dock, so he knew about all features and details of production not by hearsay. He got his high education by correspondence in Sevastopol instrument-making institute, speciality of shipbuilding and ship repair. Also he took part in construction of supertankers of “Krym” and “Pobeda” types, as well as the nuclear LASH vessel “Sevmorput”. Since January 2006 has been holding a post of deputy of general director of production. Due to reformation of the management system of the shipyard he was transferred to the post of Production Director.
From September 2012 was appointed to the post of HR Director.
Larisa D. Mishina – Chief Accountant
Mrs. Mishina was born in 1957 in Antrazit, Voroshilovogradskaya area. She has two higher educations. First one - economical, specialization in business accounting and analysis of economical activity which she got in 1990 after graduating from Voroshilovogradsky machine-building Institute. Second one – pedagogic education, specialization in psychology which she got studying in Institute of post graduating education of Lugansky State Pedagogic University named after T. Shevchenko. Mrs. Mishina started her labor activity working as accountant in Sales Department at Izhevsky Dairy Factory after graduating from Rossoshansky technical school of beef and dairy industry which she graduated with specialization in business accounting and got Diploma with excellence. She has wide experience of work at industrial factories by her profession. Moreover she has certificates of Ukrainian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors and International Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors. She began her activity at shipyard ZALIV in 2006 as chief accountant.
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